Friday 12 June 2009

Drive by shooting with airgun

Last night (Friday 12 June) our window was hit by an airgun pellet, apparently shot from a passing vehicle. Although the outer pane was penetrated, the inner pane remained intact. But what could have happened had we not got double glazing? What kind of town are we living in? I hope all the residents of Smallthorne are aware of what is happening.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Do you live in Smallthorne?

What are your views of the area?
How can we improve it?
Do you have problems with petty crime, vandalism, etc.? We won't give out your personal details!
Share your story and problems.

Residents Associations

Are you a member of a Smallthorne residents association?
Why are there so many, and why don't they come together?
What do you have planned?
What are the problems?
How can people get involved?

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Norton Cricket Club

Do you have any stories about Norton CC?
Have you any photos?
We'd love to hear from you.

Allotments in Smallthorne

Do you have an allotment in Smallthorne?
Do you want to pass on tips on veg/fruit growing?
Any complaints?
Tell us your story.

History of Smallthorne

Do you have stories about Smallthorne?
Have you photos of how it was?
Please let us hear.

Local Councillors

Do you know your local councillors?
Have you any complaints about them?
Do you want to praise or thank them?
Are you a councillor for Smallthorne? Use this site to let the residents know what is happening.